In June, the Radegast brewery attracted a record breaking number of visitors

19.7.2011 Radegast

The main group of visitors consists of Czech tourists. The brewery also noticed an increase in interest from the bordering Poland. The biggest number of foreign tourists comes actually from Poland. “The brewery has an important position among tourist attractions in our region. People appreciate that they get close to the brewers and can watch them work from up close. They will also take with them a feeling of pride which is part of life of residents of Moravia,” further explained manager of the Radegast brewery Ivo Kaňák

This year, they would like to celebrate a new record number of visitors and would like to welcome a 10,000th visitor. “The more attractive sight-seeing tour and the new Visitors’ Center, which we opened last year in September, should help us achieve this. Visitors can buy Radegast-related souvenirs in the Visitors’ Center. The sale of T-shirts and beer glasses are doing well, but we are very pleased with the sale of beer, which locals come to buy here,” says Martina Sikorová, manager of the Visitors’ Center. “Whoever comes to the store for the first time appreciates that he/she is able to get a tour for free. However, if a visitor does not go directly into the brewery, he is not part of total count of visitors,” informs Martina Sikorova

The Visitors’ Center is open during the summer season daily from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., except for holidays.

In comparison with last year, the number of tourists who visited the Moravia-Slezian region in the first quarter of 2011 increased by 9%. Visitors also spent more time in the region than last year. In comparison with other regions in Czech Republic, the Moravian-Slezian region is in 6th place.

Notes to editors:

  • The Radegast brewery, one of the most modern breweries in Czech Republic, has been brewing beer since 1970. 
  • Since 1999, Radegast brewery is part of the largest beer conglomerate in Czech Republic, belonging to Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. 
  • Yearly, it produces more than 2 million hectoliters of beer with the help of approximately 250 employees.
  • It produces beer called “classic Czech lager” and it also produces high quality malt in its own malt house. 
  • In 2008, the brewery brewed its 10 billionth beer. 
  • With total sale of close to 10 million hectoliters in the 2010 calendar year (including licenced production abroad) and with export to more than 50 countries, Plzeňský Prazdroj a. s. is the leading producer of beer in the region and the biggest exporter of Czech beer.
  • Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s. is a member of the SABMiller PLC Company. Pilsner Urquell is an international flagship of SABMiller brands.
  • SABMiller PLC is one of biggest beer companies in the world, with activities and distribution in more than 60 countries on six continents. Group of brands SABMiller includes important international brands such as Grolsh, Miller Genuine Draft, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Pilsner Urquell, and close to 200 successful regional and national brands.

Jiří Mareček
Public Relations Officer
Ph. no: 724 617 219
