Employees of the Radegast Brewery Were Helping in the Woods

30.10.2013 Company

The main goal of the event was to help with planting of new trees by collecting beechnuts (the fruits of the beech tree). Beechnuts are an important and in demand resource used to grow seedlings of beech trees in tree nurseries, which are then used as the foundations of new woods on current glades. The location, “Prašivá”, where the event took place, was chosen by The Research Institute of Forest Administration to satisfy the planting requests of the Czech Woods Administration. Besides the picking of beechnuts, volunteers also wrapped small trees with sheep wool to protect them against animals that feed on them during the winter.

All volunteers spent a pleasant day in beautiful surroundings, and they all returned with the feeling of a job well done. As one of the participants, Kateřina Rohovská, beautifully expressed: “It was a super event. It is great to help a good cause. I think that we all agree that we all should keep helping to keep our nature beautiful in the future.”

Plzeňský Prazdroj Company is involved long-term in the decrease of impact of its production on the environment, especially in places where it has its production plants. “Volunteer work is next; our grant programme, Prazdroj to People, is another way in which Prazdroj effectively helps regions where the company is active. It is, by now, an inseparable part of our responsible approach. Every year, more than 10 percent of company employees take part in these events,” said Drahomíra Mandíková, Director of Corporate Relations and Communications of Pilsner Urquell Company.

Notes for editors

  • Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery’s activities for visitors include a Visitors Center, Pilsner Urquell and Gambrinus visitors tours, Beer Brewing Museum, and Plzeň Historic Underground in the centre of the town.
  • You can get inspired to visit by visiting www.prazdrojvisit.cz first. The website is dedicated to visitors’ tours, and to all services offered by the brewery for its visitors.
  • Besides Czech, English, and German, visitors may also hear the tours’ narratives in French, Chinese, and Russian.
  • The brewery’s offer also includes the social and cultural centre Secese, which is available for organising various celebrations, and cultural, educational, or presentation functions.
  • Beer Brewing Museum is located in the original house-with-the-rights-to-brew-beer on Veleslavínova Street, which has been preserved in its original and authentic shape. The museum first opened in 1959 as part of celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the trademark “Plzeňské pivo” (Pilsen beer).
  • An 800 metre-long tour of Plzeň Historic Underground is accessible from the building of the Beer Brewing Museum. The labyrinth of pathways, cellars, and wells has been built under the Town of Plzeň since the 14th century, and it is closely connected with the history and the present of the town.
  • In 2010, 226,000 visitors from all around the world visited the brewery, Beer Brewing Museum, and the Underground. The Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery itself is considered the most attractive tourist destination in the Czech Republic.
  • Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Care of Plzeňský Prazdroj is responsible for visitors tours, tourism, and the sale of souvenirs in Velké Popovice and Radegast breweries. In 2012, all touristic destinations and points of interest under the care of Plzeňský Prazdroj welcomed more than 310,000 visitors in total.

Press contact of Plzeňský Prazdroj Kateřina Krásová is available to media at:

Mobile: +420 724 617 219



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