Radegast brewery noticeably lowered heat consumption
17.3.2010 Radegast“For us at the brewery, it is important to brew beer that consumers like. This would not be possible without high-quality ingredients, such as water from the Morávka River. The brewery is closely connected with the environment and that is why we strive to protect it as much as we can,” said the Manager of the Radegast brewery, Ivo Kaňák.
The brewery’s green activities, among others, include striving to achieve maximum savings in heat consumption. These were achieved mainly due to the use of residual heat to heat water in furnaces. Also, the brewery agreed to centralize locker rooms and toilets for employees. Monthly savings are 130 GJ of heat.
Radegast systematically implements ecological projects and is motivated by the so-called sustainable-development principles of its mother company, SABMiller. The long-term goal is to achieve 50% decrease in CO2 emissions, which are produced from beer production, and the plan is to achieve this within ten years. “We have a so-called Energo team, which evaluated specific suggestions dealing with lowering energy demands,” added Ivo Kaňák.
Notes to editors:
- The Radegast brewery, which is one of the most modern breweries in Czech Republic, has been brewing beer since 1970.
- Since 1999, Radegast brewery is part of the largest beer conglomerate in the Czech Republic, belonging to Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.
- Yearly, it produces more than 2.2 million hectolitres of beer, with the help of approximately 270 employees.
- It produces beer called “classic Czech lager” and it also produces high-quality malt in its own malt house.
- In 2008, the brewery brewed its ten billionth beer.
- Radegast brewery is part of Plzeňský Prazdroj, which with its total sale of 10.5 million hectolitres of beer in 2009 and with exports into more than 50 countries around the world, belongs to leading beer producers in Central Europe. Plzeňský Prazdroj is also the largest exporter of Czech beer.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj employs approximately 2,400 employees in the Plzeň, Radegast (Nošovice) and Velké Popovice i breweries and in 13 distribution centres, around the Czech Republic.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s. is a member of SABMiller PLC group, one of biggest beer companies in the world, with activities and distribution in more than 60 countries on six continents.
Jiří Mareček
Manager external communication
Ph. no: +420 724 617 219