The popularity of draught Birell is rising – Czechs like to drink it mostly with lunch


Demand for Birell as a drink with meals increases every year – and mainly for draught Birell. While during the last four years Birell in cans has been offered steadily by roughly 65 % of cafeterias and by the same percentage of pubs and bars, the number of draught Birells has been increasing and quite dramatically. From 8 % of cafeterias in 2006, through 14 % in 2007 and 17 % in 2008, in 2009 draught Birell got to 23 % of cafeterias. In the case of pubs, the increase is similarly interesting: in 2006 draught Birell was being sold at 15 % of pubs, while last year it was already at 40 %.

Draught Birell being offered on menus has been increasing not only in cafeterias and pubs, but also overall. Last year from January till April it increased semi-annually by 5.6 %. During this time, draught Birell was  offered on average by 1,536 commercial establishments in total, which is 5.6 % more than at the same time last year. Another significant increase of draught Birell can be expected during beer season, which is July and August, when this number has exceeded two thousand commercial establishments during recent years. “The biggest meal of the day – lunch – has a slowing effect on many people, and that’s the reason why Birell is so popular as a beverage with lunch – it’s number one on the Czech market of non-alcoholic beers, which reduce this uncomfortable effect. Birell doesn’t just taste like a  classic beer, it also refreshes, and thanks to its ingredients it contributes to better digestion,” says brand manager Martina Kuncová, naming the consumption benefits of Birell with the noon meal.

Czechs are the second in the world in drinking non-alcoholic beer. The main credit belongs to the number one on the Czech market – the non-alcoholic beer Birell. And considering the increase in popularity of draught non-alcoholic beer and hence also the number of commercial establishments which offer this beer, it seems that we will soon be achieving the top position.

Draught Birell has been added to menus since 1999. The biggest increase of commercial establishments offering draught Birell was in 2006 and 2007 when their number more than doubled (in 2006, an increase of 126 %, in 2007, an increase of 207 %).

Contact information for media:

Lucie Neubergová
Account Manager
Native PR, s. r. o.
Ph: (+420) 221 592 450, Fax: (+420) 221 592 451
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