The Best Czech biker Jaroslav Kulhavý encourages donating blood

29.7.2010 Company

Despite an increase in voluntary donors in 2009, there are still over 128,000 donors wanted in the Czech Republic. That's why the Company for Transfusive Medicine, Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně, with the cooperation of the Birell brand arranged the Become a Blood Donor! project for the second year. The goal of this project is to attract new regular donors.

Support for this project comes from the new European and Czech Republic biking champion, Jaroslav Kulhavý. “People should realise that blood is regularly needed in hospitals and to give blood can save life. All of those who don't know anything about giving blood can go to where they will find all the necessary information, and they can give blood in one of 45 participating hospitals,” says Jarda Kulhavý. “After the sports season is over, even I will participate and of course give blood too,” he added. The sports season for the top biker will end in the fall.

Starting July 12 for about one month, everybody who comes into one of the participating hospitals and gives blood will receive a  refreshing can of non-alcoholic Birell beer.

Jarda Kulhavý, 25, represents the young, active generation which makes up the biggest group that is suitable for giving blood. The decrease in both first-time givers and regular donors in this category during recent years is most alarming. The group of currently registered donors is getting older and there are no newcomers. This trend needs to be changed and it is important to convince as many people as possible to become new voluntary donors. Become a Blood Donor! is therefore supposed to remind us of the persisting lack of voluntary donors and is supposed to attract new donors.

For a long time, the Birell brand has been supporting both giving blood and biking, with Birell cooperating directly with Jaroslav Kulhavý. Recently they have started a second series of cycling school videos in the form of twelve episodes. The idea is to prepare both amateurs and cycle enthusiasts for cycle marathons.

Contact information for media:

Vladimír Jurina
Corporate Relations and Communication Manager
Plzeňský Prazdroj
Cell: (+420) 724 617 886

Lucie Neubergová
Account Manager
Native PR, s. r. o.
Ph.: (+420) 221 592 450
Cell: (+420) 731 615 033
