Phoenix Made Strahov Glow

1.3.2012 Uncategorized

The fresh wheat beer Phoenix, with its 4.7% of alcohol content, is bringing lighter taste and fresh aroma thanks to the use of a wheat malt, orange peels, and a dash of cilantro. It is made for all who like to try new things, new tastes, new beers.

„We are convinced that our light wheat beer will get many fans. Phoenix is made for consumers of a playful, non–conventional nature. The brand wants to prove that even if things taste different, they can still be interesting and fun. We made Phoenix differently, and so we will advertise it in non–traditional ways as well. I believe that the result will be as refreshing as the beer itself,“ Jakub Štěpán, Phoenix brand manager said.

Experimental Phoenix
The original birth of Phoenix is not the end though; all those loving non-traditional things and fun can look forward to many inspiring projects. One of them is, for example, a so–called social experiment where, under the motto of „We Like It Our Way,“ Phoenix raises the question if people act according to their own will or under the influence of masses. You can see the results of the experiment at

Would You Like „Little Butcher“ or „Casanova?“
Phoenix’s fans can enjoy their new beer their way. Little Butcher comes with a crescent of orange, and you „plump“ the pulp of the fruit directly into the beer. Or, you can order the irresistible Casanova, and offer your orange crescent to the one special person you like the most. Other rituals and uncommon ways Phoenix is served by the most qualified of bon vivants are available at

Where To Go To Enjoy Phoenix or Come To Blink Today
Phoenix will available in non-traditional alternative club Blink in Prague’s  Holesovice (open for three weeks only) starting March 1.

„People running Blink want to transform the empty hall into a safe haven of mode arts at least for a month. And that is exactly Phoenix’s way. It shows that even simple things can be fun if they are done in non–traditional, original ways,“ Jakub Štěpán of Plzeňský Prazdroj added.

„I am very happy that we have Phoenix. For our club, we were looking for interesting, original beer that would appeal to our visitors and match the whole concept. When we learned about Phoenix, its philosophy, and the people associated with it, it was the clear choice,“ Jakub Vedral, the man behind Blink Club explained.

This week, Phoenix will be introduced to Plzeňský Prazdroj customers for the first time, and soon, it will be available on tap for a recommended retail price of 25,- CZK (about 1.25 USD) for 0.4l in selected restaurants and bars. The list of restaurants offering Phoenix will be gradually expanded and is available at

How The Birth Of Phoenix Came About
Video–mapping is one of the most innovative directions of audio visual art that uses projection in free space. It is mostly seen on building facades and historic structures. It was this technology that the new wheat beer brand representatives used for its original birth. Special 3D projection technology transformed the massive objects of boring architecture – the huge vent shafts of Strahov tunnel – into something fresh, new, and original.

And so from historic things and artifacts of old civilisations came things new and modern. Those who were there witnessed cycles of decline and rebirth that is so characteristic for Phoenix, the mythical bird that every 500 years comes to life again, and with its every new birth, it brings new energy and freedom. The footage of the projection by The Macula production is available at

For more information:
Jiří Mareček, Plzeňský Prazdroj, phone: +420 724 617 219
Vladimír Jurina, Plzeňský Prazdroj, phone: +420 724 617 886

Notes for editors:

  • The new wheat beer brand of Plzeňský Prazdroj was officially announced to the public on February 29, 2012.
  • Wheat beer Phoenix is remarkable for its light taste and fresh aroma thanks to a wheat malt, orange peels, and a dash of cilantro.
  • The list of restaurants serving the new beer will be gradually expanded and it is available at
  • With its total sale of nearly 10 millions of hectolitres during the calendar year of 2011 (including licenced productions abroad) and with its export to more than 50 countries worldwide, Plzeňský Prazdroj Inc. is the preeminent beer producer in the region and the biggest exporter of the Czech beer.
  • Plzeňský Prazdroj Inc. is the member of SABMiller plc. group. Pilsner Urquell is the international flagship brand of the SABMiller brand portfolio.
  • SABMiller plc. is one of the world’s biggest beer brewing companies with beer brewing activities or distribution in more than 60 countries across six continents. SABMiller portfolio includes important international Brands such as Grolsch, Miller Genuine Draft, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, and Pilsner Urquell, as well as almost 200 successful  regional and national brands.
